Poetry Friday–Holiday Show and Weather Poem

I’m inviting all those in the Chicago area to the
Evanston Art Center’s 21st Annual WINTER EXPO Holiday Show
Running through December 20th 2023
Guaranteed to bring a sense of solace while there…
1717 Central Street, Evanston, IL

And if you aren’t in Chicago
you can view many of the items
in my online Etsy Shop!
Michelle Kogan Fine Art

Just added this Old Growth Forest Gift Card to my shop.

We’ve had some crazy weather here in Chicago, as I think the rest of the country is experiencing too… And it became an inspiration for a 4 x4 poem…


December ah, you welcome all…
The coziness of winter’s cold
And pillowy-puff playful snow.
Cozy cold, pillowy snow—Whoa!

Arctic Freeze— Snow peep’s arm-trees freeze,
December a-a-a-h, you welcome all…
Record Siberian winds, but
fa-la-la flakes unwind world woes.

Cold’s plummeting temps foil good will,
Though we warm in Snowflake’s Parade—
December ah, you welcome all,
Nature are you o-u-t o-f b-a-l-a-n-c-e?

Tick-tock humanity it’s time,
Earth’s weathers warring and wearing,
Come together for everyone,
December ah, you welcome all…

© Michelle Kogan, draft

Anastasia Suen is hosting this week’s Poetry Friday Roundup, thanks Anastasia!

About Michelle Kogan Art, Illustration, & Writing

Michelle Kogan is an artist, illustrator, instructor, and writer, creating colorful allegorical figure, flora and fauna paintings and children's illustrations, which have a sensitivity to endangered species, and the environment. She is an art instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Evanston Art Center and offers Plein Air Painting Workshops at nature venues in the Chicago area including the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, and Lurie Gardens at Millennium Park. Visit her online Etsy Shop at: http://www.MichelleKoganFineArt.etsy.com and her website: http://www.michellekogan.com
This entry was posted in Cards, Children's Illustration & Writing, Exhibits, Holidays, Home, Nature, Pencil Drawing, Plein Air Art, Poem, poetry, Quick Sketches, Sketchbooks, Theatre & Music, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to Poetry Friday–Holiday Show and Weather Poem

  1. maryleehahn says:

    Wow! Sounds like the weather in Chicago has been wild! Yesterday I spotted forsythia blooming, one of my hellebores is blooming, and this morning when I got up it was 51 degrees. So, wild weather here, too, but on the other end of the thermometer!!

  2. I’ve spent several Januarys in Chicago and remember those winter blasts – cannot imagine the temp swinging so wildly from day to day or week to week! C’mon, people! — that’s what I could hear in your final stanza.

  3. Tracey Kiff-Judson says:

    The wild weather is scary. Like Mary Lee, we have been experiencing warmer than usual weather. Everything seems topsy turvy with no end in sight.

  4. lindabaie says:

    You have snowy cold & we have a bit of cold then sixties next week! Yes, “o-u-t o-f b-a-l-a-n-c-e”. But the mountains are getting lots of snow which they direly need! I love your winter welcome & those beautiful tree cards, Michelle! It would be wonderful to go to that show!

  5. margaretsmn says:

    I think the weather will continue to be wild. We are sure experiencing it down south, cold, hot, rain, dry… Cannot make up its mind whatsoever. out-of-balance!

  6. jama says:

    Brrrr! It was chilly the last few days here too — but nothing compared to Chicago. Enjoyed your poem — great use of alliteration, which gave it a lovely lilt and rhythm. 🙂

  7. janicescully says:

    Nothing is normal but we might have what looks like normal at least. Michelle, I love your work. Just ordered some cards. Looking forward to seeing them! Happy Holidays!

  8. rosecappelli says:

    Love “December ahhhh…” Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful art, too. Stay warm!

  9. Wow! Your cards and your poem are beautiful!

  10. Oh, your post is making me long for snow so very much! We’ve had just a couple of small snows–nothing dramatic and beautiful yet here in Minnesota. Song for a Winter’s Night is one of our favorites. ❤ Beautiful art, as always, Michelle. Thank you for sharing it.

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