Poetry Friday Roundup Birthday Bash is Here!

False Indigo Flowers, © 2024 Michelle Kogan

I’m offering the Poetry Friday Roundup! Please leave your links for Mister Linky at the end of my post, thanks!

I’m also highlighting a couple poets who have May Birthdays and have written nature inspired poems, both of our natural world and of the human condition. As my Birthday is also in May and almost here, I’ll share my reverse nonet poem to begin.


Aglow with unpretentious beauty
you call and capture gazing eyes—
Your slender lavender buds
anticipate quiet
contemplation and
ripe respite
for us

© 2024 Michelle Kogan, draft

False Indigo Flowers, detail, © 2024 Michelle Kogan


Joy Harjo May 9, 1951

by Joy Harjo

To pray you open your whole self
To sky, to earth, to sun, to moon
To one whole voice that is you.
And know there is more
That you can’t see, can’t hear,
Can’t know except in moments
Steadily growing, and in languages
That aren’t always sound but other
Circles of motion.
Like eagle that Sunday morning
Over Salt River. Circled in blue sky
In wind, swept our hearts clean
With sacred wings.

Read the rest of the poem here.

And a poem from her book How We Became Human.

by Joy Harjo

We kept on dancing last summer though the dancing had been called subversive.
We weren’t alone at the end of this particular world and knew
it wouldn’t be the last world, though wars
had broken out on all sides.

We kept on dancing and with us were the insects who had gathered at the grounds
in the grasses and the trees. And with us were the stars and
a few lone planets who had been friends
with the earth for generations.

With us were the spirits who wished to honor this beloved earth in any beautiful
manner. And with us at dawn was the Sun who took the lead
and then we broke for camp, for stickball
and breakfast.

We all needed praise made of the heart’s tattoo as it inspired our feet or wings,
someone to admire us despite our tendency to war, to terrible
stumbles. So does the red cliff who is the heart
broken to the sky.

Read the rest of the poem here.

Jayne Kenyon May 23, 1947


Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving   
up the bales as the sun moves down.

Let the cricket take up chafing   
as a woman takes up her needles   
and her yarn. Let evening come.

Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned   
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.

Read the rest of the poem here, or listen to it read by Jane Kenyon below.

by Jane Kenyon

We turned into the drive,
and gravel flew up from the tires
like sparks from a fire. So much
to be done—the unpacking, the mail
and papers; the grass needed mowing… \
We climbed stiffly out of the car.
The shut-off engine ticked as it cooled.

Read the rest of the poem here.

Rosellen Brown May 12, 1939

I couldn’t find much available online for Rosellen Brown, but I did find this broadside of one of her poems:
IN ROOMS and a commentary she did on Gwendolyn Brooks. Look at the Gwendolyn Brooks video of WE REAL COOL first.

I’m looking forward to reading your poems!

Add your link to Mister Linky:

Just added this jolly Robin Kersplash Birthday Card to my Etsy Shop!

About Michelle Kogan Art, Illustration, & Writing

Michelle Kogan is an artist, illustrator, instructor, and writer, creating colorful allegorical figure, flora and fauna paintings and children's illustrations, which have a sensitivity to endangered species, and the environment. She is an art instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Evanston Art Center and offers Plein Air Painting Workshops at nature venues in the Chicago area including the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, and Lurie Gardens at Millennium Park. Visit her online Etsy Shop at: http://www.MichelleKoganFineArt.etsy.com and her website: http://www.michellekogan.com
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31 Responses to Poetry Friday Roundup Birthday Bash is Here!

  1. janicescully says:

    What an inspiring collection of poetry, beginning with your False Indigo! It kicked off my evening with quiet contemplation. We all need it. I loved the Harjo, Kenyon, the reading by Michael Caine. Wonderful!

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    A post by birthday! I love it. How rich it is too with your painting and those luscious poems. I fall a little bit more in love with Joy Harjo every time I read a poem of hers. My goodness…she’s amazing. Thank you for hosting this week. My eyes feasted on the picture and poem of False Indigo. What a pretty flower. So happy.

  3. Happy birthday! And how wonderful to share a birthday month with so many amazing poets!

  4. jama says:

    Thanks for all the beautiful poems. Love the idea of a birthday celebration for poets! Your False Indigo photos and poem are lovely. Enjoyed the videos too. 🙂 Thanks, too, for hosting this week. Happy Holiday Weekend!

  5. Denise Krebs says:

    Michelle, how precious your poem is and that robin kersplashing is so darling. Those buds that “anticipate quiet / contemplation” had me do a double take and enjoy the peace of those beauties. Thank you for hosting today, and for all the poetry goodness here.

  6. Tabatha says:

    Happy Birthday to the May poets! Hope you have a great one, Michelle! Thanks for hosting 🙂

  7. jone says:

    Happy birthday. You are in excellent company! Thanks for hosting today. I loved the choices for the poetry today.

  8. Tracey Kiff-Judson says:

    Happy May Birthday, Michelle! Thank you for sharing your False Indigo poem. I hadn’t heard of False Indigo, but it is gorgeous – as is your tricky reverse nonet! Thank you for this enlightening collection of poems and videos.  I particularly enjoyed learning more about Gwendolyn Brookes and jazz poetry. Thank you for hosting!

  9. Pingback: Poetry Friay: Mourning the loss of Katey Howes – Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

  10. Quite the collection of powerful poems, Michelle – Kenyon’s “Let Evening Come” has always been a favorite, so thank you for sharing and for hosting!

  11. lindabaie says:

    Out in nature is what I love, Michelle. Happy Birthday to you along with those other wonderful May poets. Your reverso is a special liftoff to the celebration! I love “We Real Cool”, a poem I used to use to wow the students! Thanks very much for hosting!

  12. Bridget Magee says:

    Happy (almost) Birthday, Michelle! You gave US the gifts with this poetry selection. I especially love your ‘False Indigo reverse nonet. Thanks for hosting!

    • Bridget Magee says:

      Ack! I’m so sorry Michelle, but I accidently added a previous link in addition to this week’s link. If there is any way to delete my link: BEE in Tune with Others, #15, I would appreciate it! Again, sorry for my mistake. 😦

  13. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Bluebirds and Loss | Imagine the Possibilities

  14. rosecappelli says:

    Happy Birthday, Michelle, and thank you the gift of so many wonderful poems. Your phrases “quiet contemplation” and “willow-ready ripe respite” are so beautiful to say and hear. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  15. Pingback: Come Lounge With Me | Jama's Alphabet Soup

  16. amyludwigvanderwater says:

    Happy birthday, Michelle! Thank you for celebrating these poets. I love how your reverse nonet slows me down as I read each shorter line and am inspired to try this. And your art – “Robin Kersplash” is simply a delight! Thank you for hosting. xo

  17. Pingback: Celebrating!! ⋆ Patricia J. Franz

  18. PATRICIA J FRANZ says:

    Happy Birthday, Michelle! I really enjoyed the birthday poets’ words, especially Joy Harjo’s Eagle. Since I’m from AZ, it was not difficult to envision the eagle soaring over the Salt River. I’ve stopped a few times on my bike to watch them myself!

  19. Karen Edmisten says:

    Michelle, thanks for celebrating all the birthdays by giving *us* a gift. 🙂 Love all these poets!

  20. Irene Latham says:

    Michelle, wishing you a happy birthday! Thank you for all these classic offerings which remind us of the power and beauty of words…and your robin, which is destined to become a classic as well! Lovely. Thanks for all! xo

  21. Pingback: Poetry Friday: Conundrum – A(nother) Year of Reading

  22. maryleehahn says:

    Thank you for this joyous generous post! I’m going to go back and dig in to all the goodies you’ve given US in honor of YOUR birthday! What a way to celebrate another trip around the sun!

  23. Happy Birthday, Michelle! I enjoyed reading the poems you shared, I especially connected with COMING HOME AT TWILIGHT IN LATE SUMMER because it reminds me of coming home from a trip (which we just did). Thank you for being an inspiration! I grew false blue indigo and liked it but it does seem to spread…however, the blossoms are always eye-catching. Thank you!

  24. Pingback: Poetry Friday : When We Were Very Young – Jane Whittingham

  25. cvarsalona says:

    Michelle, I am sorry that I come in at this late time. I arrived home from the hospital on Wednesday evening and have been very tired. Your collection of poems and videos is celebratory background for a bithday bash. Thank you for your riipe respite and hosting. I look forward to slowly reading the poetic goodness that is gathered in the PF Roundup. Your birthday card is beautiful-so realistic!

  26. Happy Birthday, Michelle, and to others celebrating this month! Thank you for all of this abundant goodness here this week. Loved hearing the Jane Kenyon reading and seeing your splashy robin, and your poem and photo at the start – thank you for hosting!!

  27. Happy birthday, Michelle! And “ripe respite” is such a glorious phrase. I could really use some of that right now! Have a terrific celebration–and thanks for hosting!

  28. margaretsmn says:

    Happy Birthday! I love how you turn our attention to the flowers and to the May poets. A rich post that I will come back to.

  29. Robin Kersplash makes me laff, woman of the added year round the sun celebration month. Brava! for this generous idea of visiting words of other May month celebrants. Hope you & your hubby enjoy peace, with sweet smiles.
    jan/ Bookseedstudio

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