Poetry Friday and Fireflies


I’m welcoming summer in with a few of my favorite things, summer solstice, milkweeds, and fireflies! As soon as the fireflies were out I knew summer had begun. Hope you had a wonderful Solstice. Here’s another firefly haiku and one more firefly poem by Robert Frost.

catch luminating
light of lovely fireflies 
through each evening night

© 2017 Michelle Kogan



By Robert Frost


Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart) 

Read the rest of Robert Frost’s poem at the Poetry Foundation


The Poetry Friday Roundup is being hosted by Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe where she’s featuring a beautiful Diamond Acrostic poem by her students, thanks Heidi!

About Michelle Kogan Art, Illustration, & Writing

Michelle Kogan is an artist, illustrator, instructor, and writer, creating colorful allegorical figure, flora and fauna paintings and children's illustrations, which have a sensitivity to endangered species, and the environment. She is an art instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Evanston Art Center and offers Plein Air Painting Workshops at nature venues in the Chicago area including the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, and Lurie Gardens at Millennium Park. Visit her online Etsy Shop at: http://www.MichelleKoganFineArt.etsy.com and her website: http://www.michellekogan.com
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34 Responses to Poetry Friday and Fireflies

  1. katswhiskers says:

    Adorable! Believe it or not, I had never seen a firefly until I was married. I’d just thought they were magical mythical light-sources. Now I still think they’re magical. I have a special little heart-dance reserved just for fireflies.

  2. Like Kathryn, I’m not from firefly country…so I equate them with the fairies in Peter Pan. Thank you for bringing fireflies to me, and for your watercolor, too. A peaceful beginning of summer to you and yours ~

  3. I love how you show the light of the fireflies. They are the visible heart of summer to me. I got your poetry postcard, and I love it! Thank you, thank you! Is it okay if I share it in a post soon?

  4. I love it! I wrote a haiku about fireflies this week, too. Their light show has been astounding this summer.

  5. lindabaie says:

    I think you know that we don’t have fireflies in Colorado, though I grew up with them in Missouri. It’s just too dry. I do remember that once they began rising, we knew it really was summer. Your poem is just right, and thanks for Frost’s words, too, Michelle. Happy Summer!

  6. bjleepoet says:

    Really beautiful painting! You are so talented. Love your haiku as well and Robert Frost’s poem. I hadn’t read that before. Thank you for sharing it!

  7. Lovely. I adore fireflies, but we don’t see them in New England until it really heats up. The Frost is new for me, too. Thanks!

  8. I love them too! My “family journal” always records the first sighting of lightning bugs, as I grew up calling them, and I have a short mosquito/firefly poem in my Pumpkin Butterfly book–not haiku, but similar to your small handfuls of flyfire. May your days be long and full of that!

  9. Tabatha says:

    You and Mr. Frost make me want to write a poem about lightning bugs/fireflies! So far, this has been a good year for them. I like the looks on your wee buggies’ faces in your painting. They are obviously having an important conversation. Also, I like the glow reflected on the leaves.

  10. jama says:

    What a lovely post! Your art is beautiful and I love your haiku. Nice to see Mr. Frost here today, too. Fireflies are the most magical part of summer.

  11. Laura Shovan says:

    Magical! The alliteration in your poem mimics the lulling, humid air of a summer night, lazing on the porch, watching fireflies.

  12. margaretsmn says:

    We rarely see fireflies anymore due to mosquito control. It’s a childhood memory. I love this poem from Robert Frost. I vaguely remember doing something with this with students. Wish I could remember what. All the l’s in your poem roll off the tongue. Happy Summer!

  13. These haiku remind me of my childhood. I loved fireflies. Our neighborhood used to only have a few houses and there were these empty grassy lots where you get to see a few of these beautiful creatures. Thanks for sharing. lovely poems.

  14. haitiruth says:

    Look what I read this morning: https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/deep-lane-june-23rd-evening-first-fireflies

    Isn’t it a cool coincidence that the dates are the same? I love your poem and picture.

    Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

  15. cvarsalona says:

    Michelle, your illustration and poetry speak volumes of what summer has to offer. I captured your image poem and placed it in my folder for my next gallery, Sunkissed Summer-a perfect opener of the season. Is this fine to place it in my next gallery (reminds me to get back to Springsations).

  16. maryleehahn says:

    Thanks for a new-to-me Robert Frost poem, along with your two. An abundance of fireflies — just like we have this summer. They were as much a miracle to me when I moved to Ohio from Colorado and Texas as redbuds were!

  17. Two of my summer favorites–milkweed and fireflies! Thanks for sharing these and the Frost poem, which is new to me too.

  18. I wish we had fireflies here, they sound so magical!

    Welcome, summer, we’ve missed you so!! Please don’t think you have to go! 🙂

  19. As many others have said, fireflies are a favorite memory. I’m not sure why we don’t have as many as we used where I live. Your poems (and Frost’s) make me miss them even more. Thanks for sharing!

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