Poetry Friday–#NPM 2021: Spring

Spring Milkweed, WIP, © 2021 Michelle Kogan, oil on linen.

Happy Poetry Friday and National Poetry Month!

Spring plants are emerging, and I’m waiting on my backyard milkweed to push-on-through the soil… And then monarchs come.

This week I’m celebrating with Spring poems that I’ve been writing for NPM. I’m also including my Spring Milkweed oil painting that I’ve been working on outside this last week, when weather cooperates…


Junco scurries around on ground, and flies.
Robins paired and already mating.
Crocus spent, but striped leaves linger,
daffodil dos do delight.
Milkweed launch like rockets,
monarch’s lay their eggs.
Multiply and

© 2021 Michelle Kogan

P.S. Would love to know what this 10 line poem, with decreasing syllable count per line from ten to one is called… Can’t seem to recall.

Here’s a few poems from this last week:

thermometer watcher—
warm up april.

night’s clouds enclose
stillness—shield us till morning
spring’s soft breath breathes on…

if it’s morning
take a moment to
take in birds

two old sisters lean inward,
creating an arched canopy-filled sky
with brother plum center.
From Margaret Simon’s THIS PHOTO WANTS TO BE A POEM prompt

roll and tumble spring
filigree-green treetops, wooo
muffle train along

All above © 2021 Michelle Kogan

Sparrow, © 2021, Michelle Kogan, pencil sketch.

Here’s a fun take on train whistles…

The creative, multitalented poet and writer, Tabatha Yeatts at her blog Tabatha Yeatts:The Opposite of Indifference is hosting this weeks Poetry Friday roundup, thanks Tabatha! Tabatha’s sharing more bilingual poems, be sure to stop by!

Also for more poetry throughout April’s National Poetry Month stop by Susan Bruck’s blog, Soul Blossom Living for a Roundup of posts. You can also visit the Progressive Poem, a poem created over the month of April as a new poet adds a new line each day, here’s the schedule:

April 1 Kat Apel at Kat Whiskers
2 Linda Mitchell at A Word Edgewise
3 Mary Lee at A Year of Reading
4 Donna Smith at Mainly Write
5 Irene Latham at Live your Poem
6 Jan Godown Annino at BookseedStudio
7 Rose Cappelli at Imagine the Possibilities
8 Denise Krebs at Dare to Care
9 Margaret Simon at Reflections on the Teche
10 Molly Hogan at Nix the Comfort Zone
11 Buffy Silverman
12 Janet Fagel at Reflections on the Teche
13 Jone Rush MacCulloch
14 Susan Bruck at Soul Blossom Living
15 Wendy Taleo at Tales in eLearning
16 Heidi Mordhorst at my juicy little universe
17 Tricia Stohr Hunt at The Miss Rumphius Effect
18 Linda Baie at Teacher Dance
19 Carol Varsalona at Beyond Literacy Link
20 Robyn Hood Black at Life on the Deckle Edge
21 Leigh Anne Eck at A Day in the Life
22 Ruth Hersey at There is No Such Thing as a God-forsaken Town
23 Janice Scully at Salt City Verse
24 Tabatha Yeatts at The Opposite of Indifference
25 Shari Daniels at Islands of my Soul
26 Tim Gels at Yet There is Method
27 Rebecca Newman
28 Catherine Flynn at Reading to the Core
29 Christie Wyman at Wondering and Wondering
30 Michelle Kogan at More Art 4 All

About Michelle Kogan Art, Illustration, & Writing

Michelle Kogan is an artist, illustrator, instructor, and writer, creating colorful allegorical figure, flora and fauna paintings and children's illustrations, which have a sensitivity to endangered species, and the environment. She is an art instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Evanston Art Center and offers Plein Air Painting Workshops at nature venues in the Chicago area including the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, and Lurie Gardens at Millennium Park. Visit her online Etsy Shop at: http://www.MichelleKoganFineArt.etsy.com and her website: http://www.michellekogan.com
This entry was posted in Children's Illustration & Writing, Haiku, Home, Nature, Painting, Pencil Drawing, Plein Air Art, Poem, poetry, Sketchbooks, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Poetry Friday–#NPM 2021: Spring

  1. macrush53 says:

    Wow, the oil painting is stunning. And the first line of your poem with juncos! they are currently nesting in my hanging flower pot and are so adorable. I am trying to get a decent photo of them.
    I like the use of filigree-tops…Have a wonderful weekend,

  2. margaretsmn says:

    Oh, I am watching my milkweed too. I hope I have monarchs this year. I am stunned by your natural creativity. Lovely spring poems.

  3. Dear Michelle, You are Springing into this gifted season so beautifully. I love it that your “Spring Milkweed” painting happens sometimes en plein air. Is that the term for it? And the form for your rickly detailed descending syllable-line poem – I know it! But it’s buried near sleep. Someone will supply it.

  4. jama says:

    What a fun post. So much to enjoy and marvel at. LOVE your milkweed painting and all the details in SPRING’S LAUNCH. We’re hearing and noticing all kinds of bird activity. The world is waking up! The sparrow poem is darling — and thanks for sharing the train sounds video. I love train whistles!!

  5. tee+d says:

    Ooh, lovely – the “two old sisters” especially. I wish we had juncos here – I’ll have to watch yours through poetry instead.

  6. haitiruth says:

    So much creativity, both in nature and in your studio! I’ve been enjoying bird-y mornings in my yard too! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

  7. lindabaie says:

    I love your train sounds, Michelle. Once in a while I can hear them even here in the city! I’m hearing early robins’ call but have only spotted them once. Perhaps they’re nesting elsewhere this year. I love your garden painting, too & the poem for spring. I’d guess it’s an ‘etheree’, can be 10 to 1 or 1 to 10. Finally, I’m a thermometer watcher, too although I just look on my weather app! Happy weekend!

  8. janicescully says:

    I just loved the sound effects video! Fascinating. Yes, I think Linda’s right, your poem is an etheree. I just love the sweetness of your little sparrow. Fun post, Michelle.

  9. Tabatha says:

    Happy Spring, Michelle! Some of my favorite bits of your spring sharing include the “shield,” “soft breath,” and “brother plum center.” Nice tactile details!

  10. We’re about a month’s wait before milkweeds start to poke up–but lots of other spring wildflowers blooming. Thanks for sharing all your spring goodness.

  11. maryleehahn says:

    It’s fun to watch spring turn into summer in your poem! My milkweed aren’t up yet, but the fennel is, so I’m hoping for some early swallowtails!

  12. As always, Michelle, your artwork and words are stunning. I’ve been poking around in the leaf litter (not brave enough to remove it yet!) to see who is ready to say hello. I hadn’t thought about my milkweed but will explore that in today’s sunshine. Cheers!

  13. Linda Mitchell says:

    Yes to the launch of milkweed. Wow! You are painting outside already? I love seeing one of your paintings “in process.” Getting to see how something comes together is fascinating to me. And, those two sisters leaning in together…sweet.

  14. Michelle Heidenrich Barnes says:

    Well now Spring has to come—its been invited so thoughtfully! Personally, I think I like your sparrow sketch and haiku best. I’m glad someone came up with the etheree form. I was thinking nonet, but that counts down from nine syllables of course.

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