Poetry Friday–Time & Valentines

Transforming Time, © 2022 Michelle Kogan, pencil drawing digitally colored, and triolet poem.

Happy Poetry Friday!

My poem is borrowed from Laura Shovan’s 10th Annual February Poetry Project, that I’m participating in online. This year the theme is on time, and each day we get a new prompt from another fellow poet. The prompt for this poem was offered by Carol Varsalona. She offered us two choices the one I chose was from a TEDWomen video that you can take a peek at below. For my poem I drew from the kid’s perspective of time…


How we spend our time

explored by ideas of our day

or as tiny time segments void of rhyme.

How we spend our time

playtime, work-time, in-between-time makes it sublime,

idea-time covets creativity and asks it to stay…

How we spend our time

explored by ideas of our day.

© 2022 Michelle Kogan

Sending all some
sweet thoughts for
Valentine’s Day
coming up

Love Petals for Valentine’s Day, © 2022 Michelle Kogan, Watercolor & Pen & Ink Card in my Etsy Shop.

Linda Baie at her blog Teacher Dance is hosting this week’s Poetry Friday Roundup, be sure to stop by, thanks Linda!

About Michelle Kogan Art, Illustration, & Writing

Michelle Kogan is an artist, illustrator, instructor, and writer, creating colorful allegorical figure, flora and fauna paintings and children's illustrations, which have a sensitivity to endangered species, and the environment. She is an art instructor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Evanston Art Center and offers Plein Air Painting Workshops at nature venues in the Chicago area including the Lincoln Park Conservatory, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, and Lurie Gardens at Millennium Park. Visit her online Etsy Shop at: http://www.MichelleKoganFineArt.etsy.com and her website: http://www.michellekogan.com
This entry was posted in Children's Illustration & Writing, Holidays, Home, Nature, pen sketch, Pencil Drawing, Poem, poetry, Quick Sketches, Sketchbooks, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to Poetry Friday–Time & Valentines

  1. cvarsalona says:

    Michelle, I enjoyed your poem when I read it on Facebook and chose this line that stands out to me: idea-time covets creativity and asks it to stay. Your new card is so lovely and just in time for Valentine’s Day. Thanks for mentioning my prompt. You did a great time with it. I did enjoy the song you shared. I never heard this version.

  2. lindabaie says:

    I love that you included your writing in the art, too, Michelle, all from “time” & more “time”. Thanks for the lovely card, too, a special day!

  3. jama says:

    I do love kids’ concept of time — and love your inclusion of “idea-time” in your poem. Thanks for the poem and lovely art (as usual)!! Happy V Day to you!

  4. Linda Mitchell says:

    Ah! I didn’t watch the Ted Talk. I need to go back and do that. So many different kinds of time! I need more time to process all my times. lol. Thank you for the Valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!

  5. haitiruth says:

    Love the repetition and rhyme in this one. Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

  6. maryleehahn says:

    No matter what, I’m finding I hold tight to “idea time.” It is essential for me!

  7. margaretsmn says:

    I loved this prompt from Carol and shared it with my students. Your poem stands out. Idea-time asks you to play every day in Laura’s project.

  8. Elisabeth says:

    I love how your artwork and poem go together! Thanks for sharing this with us.

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